Discover 7 Little-Known Medical Secrets
That Have Revolutionized The Way That
Dr. Kareem Samhouri Practices Healthcare…
& How They Can Revolutionize Your Health Too!
Controversial findings in the field of ‘epigenetics’, or how your body expresses
(or quiets down) genes based upon your choices and environment have
determined that (more than likely) disease is not necessary; only birth defect.
To find out if you can balance your body to the point that it can
conquer most (if not all) diseases on planet earth, read below…

Dear Reader,
What you’re about to read is both controversial and “officially speaking” ‘unproven’. However, it’s my personal opinion as a Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist who reaches millions of people across the internet that what you’re reading could change your life forever.
- You could experience vitality like you’ve never imagined…
- You may naturally lose weight, without trying…
- You might live without pain, no matter how long it’s been…
…in reality, you might break the mold for what is possible in health within the first week of trying these strategies…
…that is, if you decide to take the leap of faith…
Now, we’re about to lay out a plan that’s going to make incredible sense. And when it does, you’re going to want to do it… so, let me first warn you… it’s not free.
In fact, this same coaching has cost our clients over $20,000 in the past… when working with them in person…
So, beware, what you’re about to learn has transformed lives, in person and online, and we have yet to see (or hear about) a single adverse result. This being said, we cannot guarantee results when we can’t see you or help you make tweaks as you go along…*
*Disclaimer: please take this information with a grain of salt until you speak with your family physician and go over the plan…
Ok, so you’re probably wondering…
What ‘are’ these 7 Medical Secrets?
Secret #1:
4 Pillars Of
Weight Loss
Secret #2:
Body Types & Disease
Secret #3:
5 Day Fat Loss Accelerator
(entire program is 100% FREE)
Lose up to 5 POUNDS in Just 7 Days
Simply enter your BEST email below to gain access to this 100% FREE report:

Secret #4:
1-Week Detox:
Clean Out Your Gut & Start Absorbing The Good Food You Eat!!
(simple and delicious, often as little as 2-4 days)
Clean Your Gut & Liver:
1-Week Detox (it’s FREE)
Simply enter your BEST email below
to gain access to this 100% FREE report:

Secret #5:
4 “Stretches” To Get Out Of Neck, Shoulder & Back Pain
Simply enter your BEST email below to gain access
to these “stretches” 100% for FREE:
Secret #6:
3 Spices That Lead To Weight Loss & Destroy Fat Storage
Over the course of my career in both health & epigenetics, I’ve learned that many of the dietary strategies that are known to the mass market today are not how I live my life, what I have seen the best results with, or what suits the clients with whom I work. For example, I’ve learned that focusing on macronutrients isn’t #1. I’ve learned that the ‘type’ of calorie you take in is much more important than the number of calories… and I’ve learned that certain simple tweaks to recipes to incorporate super-spices can transform health. Please watch the video below for an example:
Secret #7:
3 Drinks To Avoid To Reduce Belly Fat & Love Handles
I think if you’ve been in any field for long enough, you often forget the simple lessons that you needed to learn in the beginning. In the video below, you’re going to learn about 3 drinks to avoid in order to reduce belly fat and love handles. Remember, it’s the simple tweaks that tend to make the biggest difference. So please take this information seriously, even if it ‘is’ a reminder…:
If you’ve found one or more of these videos to be helpful or surprising, please keep reading… because the offer we’re about to make you is one-of-a-kind…
You see, we’re going to help you tie together Body Types, Weight Loss, Pain Relief, And Vitality into one 16-week transformation based coaching series to guide you through complete revitalization.
The sad truth is that between fake media, profitable headlines, and compromised healthcare practices, everyday health advice is so far off.
Just think about how many years we were focused on the ‘calorie’ only to find out that a “snickers calorie” is not the same as a “celery calorie”… go figure!
C’mon… tell me that the scientists presenting the Calorie Theory couldn’t walk down a grocery store checkout aisle and see that bubble gum and chocolate bars didn’t have the same nutritional value as broccoli…
I just don’t believe it.
Sure, as the consumer… fine.
We do as we’re told, unless we learn otherwise. But, the doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and more… it just seems to lack common sense, don’t you think?
Anyway, perhaps that’s a story for another day… I’m not trying to attack anyone so much as care for my own… my family, my friends, my community, and my potential clients (like you).

Let’s get real about health:
We don’t expect a tiger to eat the same thing as a butterfly, do we?
Or an elephant to eat the same thing as a hippo, even though they are both big animals, right?
Well, the same thing is true human-by-human. We are each unique, and those of us who are smaller or larger in stature should be eating different foods, moving different ways, and pursuing different careers, environments, and relationships…
Yet, this ‘health logic’ is completely missing from our education.
Here goes:
- ‘One’ Body Type made the rules for work, because they weren’t very good at home and they were amazing when it came to building society, jobs, and income for families…
- ‘Another’ Body Type is responsible for what most of us think of as our favorite family memories, meal-time, and shared experiences…
- And yet ‘a third’ Body Type is responsible for the fun, music, dance, and disruptive innovation we experience in society today… like the innovation of the iPhone, computer, or fax machine…

Fascinating, isn’t it?!
So, if you know your Body Type, you know your best talents, gifts, and abilities.
And when you know this information, you can not only lose weight easily and get in the best shape of your life, but you can completely transform your life at the same time…
And that’s precisely what the 16-Week My Body Transformation Contest is all about….
We’re going to:

- Help you discover your Body Type…
- Walk you through a 16-week transformation plan for:
- Eating
- Moving
- Thinking
- Feeling

…and, we’re even going to address topics like:

- Body Types & disease-risk
- Best career paths, hobbies, or interests by Body Type…
- Relationships…
- And honoring your natural gifts & abilities (while shifting attention ‘away’ from things that don’t make sense for you, biologically speaking)
You’ll know:

- Exactly what to eat
- When and how to move, how often, how much…
- And precise steps you can take on a daily basis to fully optimize your health…

We’ll even cover topics through coaching such as:

- Modifying diet based upon Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, & other diseases/disorders…
- What you can eat if you have arthritis to assist in healing and lubricating your joints…
- And chronobiology, or the timing of your epigenetic choices to fully optimize your health by syncing up with your circadian rhythm…
We’ve researched high and low, and as far as we’ve seen, nothing addresses your health as completely and simply as the My Body Transformation Contest, anywhere in the world!
Get ready for a brand new feeling, a brand new reality, and new ‘set point’ for your health… the experience of your life is about to change.
Sign up below:
(just one payment of $59.95; no future billing)
(typically $197; you save 70% Today!!!)